How we can connect

Phone call or face-to-face video chat.
Text messages, emails.

You get to choose.

It’s completely up to you depending on which plan you choose!

You get to decide which method of communication is most convenient and effective for YOU! (fees may apply)

How we connect is completely up to you. Phone call or face-to-face video chat. You pick. You get to choose which method of communication is most convenient and effective for you!

I know you are a busy parent and you have your hands full! Your time is very valuable. We can make it quick or we can take all the time you need depending on which plan you choose.

I will follow your lead and we will go at YOUR pace during your potty training consultation appointment!

I never book back-to-back appointments so you’ll never feel rushed.

Most of my toddler potty training mommies opt to have their consultation appointment while the little ones are napping or after they are in bed for the night.

So you can relax, avoid distractions, take notes and really focus on our conversation and ask questions.

Schedule your consultation appointment for middle-of-the day while you sip on a cup o’ tea for a mid day coffee break caffeine pick-me-up. Or relax and unwind at the end of the day with a glass of wine in the evening after the house is quiet and everyone is tucked in bed for the night. Let’s talk!

This is YOUR time…

Either way, you can feel comfortable knowing that I will be there for you and your potty training needs, pen in hand, taking notes diligently and listening to you with an open mind and an open heart. I’m here to help you navigate thru this chaotic time in your life: your toddler potty training journey.


My Coach Approach


Do I really need a Coach?